Why charcoal as the medium of choice?

Charcoal provides a dynamic challenge - working with dry medium, in a single color, with a very soft composition. The intensity, contrast of light, roughness of the medium and bold yet forgiving properties of charcoal create a subtle complexity.

The natural monochrome nature of charcoal presents a change in perspective from our very colorful day to day and allows the viewer to more clearly identify the subject.

Are your drawings completely freehand?

Yes, always and entirely 100% free-hand from the sketch to the finished piece.

The blank slate provides me with freedom and the avenue for expression. To me, the beauty in drawing is the ability to create an image from start to finish, adjusting along the way and iterating in areas as needed. Each drawing naturally takes on a unique process which keeps it interesting and gives meaning to the artwork.

Do you ever draw in color?

While my work is typically focused in black, white or sanguine, I continue to experiment with color through the use of pastels.

Do you work in other mediums?

In addition to charcoal and pastels, I have worked with acrylic paint.

I always try to exercise my creativity when I get the chance, and may explore painting further in the coming years.

What size, on average, are your drawings?

Most of my drawings are larger than 1 square foot, with majority anywhere from 2 feet to 5 feet in height and/or width.

What is the best way to contact you if we are interested in commissioning a piece of art?

Please reach out to me via the Contact Form, located at the top of the page. I would love to hear from you and discuss further!


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